ReUse Pavilion
Winterthur - SKKG
Studio ReUse
The ReUse Pavilion in Winterthur was constructed as part of Studio ReUse in 2022 at ETH Zurich, headed by Barbara Buser as a guest lecturer at the Department of Architecture Reusing building components was used as a strategy for sustainable and responsible architecture.
During two workshops, 28 students dismantled 6 tonnes of building material. After analysing the salvaged material in depth, they sketched out a joint design for a pavilion. The next day, they started building the foundations. The details of the design continued to be developed in teams and decided upon together in an ongoing process. In just under two months, the students built this pavilion themselves with 99.9% recycled building materials.
The developer of the pavilion is the Foundation for Art, Culture and History (SKKG). The pavilion is a first step in transforming its Campo site, which is to be developed into the foundation's headquarters in the coming years. The pavilion project is a demonstration of the technical, aesthetic, social and practical potential of reuse. People often enjoy the pavilion, including a kindergarten class that regularly visits during outings.
Der ReUse Pavillon des Areals campo entstand im Rahmen des Frühlingssemesters 2022 im Studio ReUse, welche Barbara Buser an der Architekturabteilung der ETH Zürich leitete. Der Schwerpunkt hiess: die Wiederverwendung von Bauteilen als Strategie für eine nachhaltige und verantwortungsvolle Architektur.