Architektur und Klimawandel
Twenty architects and urbanists express their views on the future of building, bringing together voices from Mexico and Kenya, Bangladesh and Switzerland. In interviews, the experts discuss their own experiences with climate-friendly construction and the regional problems of rising CO2 levels. They describe pioneering projects and link them to personal aspirations and political ideals.
Edited by Sandra Hofmeister
Published by Edition DETAIL
With contributions by:
Kunlé Adayemi, Shigeru Ban, Tatiana Bilbao, Roger Boltshauser, Michael Braungart, Barbara Buser, Catherine De Wolf, Richard Hassell, Anna Heringer Lacol, Anders Lendager, Lamia Messari-Becker, Alan Organschi, Tarik Oualalou, Michael Pawlyn, Marina Tabassum, Camilla van Deurs, Inge Vinck, Richard Weller, Sarah Wigglesworth.
This book is available in English and German.